During Worship Services
All of our worship experiences include an offering time, so if you if you wish to give during the worship service please do so.  Please be sure to use a special envelope provided for your convenience located in the pocket of  the worship center seating.  You may request a box of envelopes to prepare your offering prior to worship service.  Make your request by email to the office to our administrative office manager at  asaumc@gmail.com or call 314-837-4233

Authorization to Debit Checking, Debit, or Credit Card Account (for automatically recurring donations)
If you consistently (and unintentionally) leave your checkbook on the kitchen counter as you walk out the door for church, you’re a great candidate for automatic bank withdrawals. You may elect to have your donation debited weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly. Please download the SAUMC Authorization to Debit Form, bring the form to the church office during the week or Sunday morning for the Treasurer  to securely handle your form.

Via Online Banking (for one-time or recurring donations)
Most financial institutions offer online banking, allowing you to set up either one-time or recurring donations. Contact your favorite bank to learn more about this option.
