What do we teach you  giving?

We believe and teach at St. Andrew United Methodist Church that Christians are lifetime learners and must be intentional in striving to live and practice as Christian believers.  We believe and teach that Christ must be in charge of our whole lives time, talents,  service, treasure–including our bank accounts.  We strive for “excellence in giving” as one aspect of Christian faith, living, and practice. One of our core values of discipleship is “extravagant generosity.”

Does that 10% apply to gross or net income?

Yes!  Remember, your decision to give and tithe (10%) is spiritual and between you and God. The role of the Church is to teach that the beginning standard of financial giving is the tithe (10%) we also teach that you must ask God through prayer about the amount you will give.  If you are not tithing we ask you to begin somewhere (1%) and move toward tithing.  We also teach that God offers us many ways to give above and beyond the tithe through offerings, proportional giving, charitable giving, and that giving is a spiritual act.

What do we teach you  giving?

We believe and teach at St. Andrew United Methodist Church that Christians are lifetime learners and must be intentional in striving to live and practice as Christian believers.  We believe and teach that Christ must be in charge of our whole lives time, talents,  service, treasure–including our bank accounts.  We strive for “excellence in giving” as one aspect of Christian faith, living, and practice. One of our core values of discipleship is “extravagant generosity.”

The Core Values of  Discipleship taught at SAUMC remind us that we must live or practice our faith daily.  Through following basic practices as described in the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20 The Message):

ŸSt. Andrew’s  core values and discipleship practices include Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional, Faith Development, Risk-taking Mission and Service. These core values and practices are spiritual disciplines that allow us to experience God’s care for the largest and smallest details of our lives.

ŸSpeaking from a practical reality we know that running a home requires funds or financial support . Apart from the financial support of people like you our SAUMC members and friends we could not pay our tithe or Bevolences and Apportionments Mission Fund to help United Methodist Churches and others in need locally, nationally, and all over the world.  Funds pay utilities, staff, for a 45 year old campus that acts as a base to receive and send people as faithful practicing Christian believers into the community.

More Questions?

If you have additional questions or concerns about the discipline of giving, please do not hesitate to contact our Stewardship Team Leaders, Ward and Carolyn Gillespie. If you’re interested in knowing about how the tithes, offerings, and donations, we receive is handled contact our Finance Team Leader Chuck Woods, Sr. or our Treasurer, Owen Carson. Email asaumc@gmail.com or call office 314-837-4233.



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