St. Andrew
United Methodist Church
3975 N. US Highway 67• Florissant, MO 63034
(314) 837-4233 •



2024 Annual Stewardship/Funding Campaign
Theme: Blessed Beyond Measure: Devoted to Generosity

Scripture: John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

We want to begin by simply saying thank you for responding with generosity about what it means to be a faithful steward. Your support of faith development, passionate worship, radical hospitality, and risk taking, mission and service contributes to the long-standing success of our church. Due to your unwavering commitment to our ministries and outreach, we are an ever-increasing effective witness to Jesus Christ.

The St. Andrew Experience is multifaceted in the way that we give generously. Thanks to donations of food, time, and financial support you made our 28th Annual Thanksgiving Day dinner special for many area individuals. This year we served over one thousand meals to over seventy locations. In-person and virtual faith development classes studied new topics. We continued ministries such as our Easter Egg Hunt, Back to School Fair and Supply Drive, Food Truck VBS Bible summer camp, several Book Club studies, Grief Share support workshops, Steven Ministers support group, and our Halloween Trunk or Treat event. We built upon our Christmas Cantata, Hanging of the Greens, and other holiday traditions that made the Advent season festive and special. Last, but not least, we addressed food insecurity needs in our community through the Project Hope Food Pantry.      

SAUMC is a blessed church because we know how important it is to be a blessing to others. Our campaign theme, Blessed Beyond Measure: Devoted to Generosity encourages us to be even more intentional about the decisions we make with our financial contributions and gifts. Join us in creating a culture of generosity that touches everyone in our church, north county, St. Louis metro area, and the world. By knowing your giving intentions at this time, we can plan our 2024 ministries, outreach and programming, so that we can be good stewards of the funds we receive. 

We appreciate everyone who supported us financially in 2023. Even though December was again projected to be a challenging month for our operating budget, your support helped us meet all of our end-of-year expenses, including paying 100% of our United Methodist Church benevolent apportionments for the 17th year in a row.                                                                            

Finance and Leadership Teams

“Building Gods Kingdom in Our Community”


