The History of St. Andrew United Methodist Church

St. Andrew United Methodist Church was established by the St. Louis Mission and Church Extension Society of the Methodist Church in 1965 which saw a need for a future Methodist Church in North St. Louis County.  The congregation was started to be a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic congregation.  Embracing and preparing for the ethnic and cultural changes in society and the community in the 60’s. 

In early April, 1965, Bishop Eugene Frank, in consultation with the Mission Society, appointed G. Robert Hudspeth as organizing pastor for the new church. Five families from the neighboring St. Mark’s and North Hills Methodist Churches were commissioned to serve in the new congregation.  Between April and June 1965 many meetings were held at the parsonage in Cross Keys Apartments. During these meetings the name of the church was discussed. Suggestions ranged from “St. Luke” to Shoveltown Methodist Church (based on the location of the new church property – Shoveltown was the name of the small community surrounding the new church) to all of the Apostles. Finally, the name “St. Andrew” was chosen — in honor of the first Apostle to follow Christ and was known for “bringing others to Christ.

On Sunday morning, June 13, 1965, St. Andrew Methodist Church held its first worship service in Black Jack Elementary School, where services would be held until the new building was completed. Twenty-four people attended that first service.  On Sunday, August 1, 1965, St. Andrew Methodist Church was constituted with thirty-eight members by the District Superintendent, the Rev. Gregory Poole.  Christmas, 1965, saw two new traditions established at St. Andrew. A Christmas music program was presented by the choir and youth, and worshippers attended the first Christmas Eve candlelight communion service.  A Cub Scout Pack was organized in 1966 followed the next year by the chartering of Boy Scout Troup 942. Girl Scout Cadette Troop 547 was established in 1974.  1968 brought about the merger of the Methodist Church, Central Jurisdiction Methodist (all Black congregations), and the Evangelical United Brethren Church to become The United Methodist Church.

2015 marks 50 years of ministry as St. Andrew United Methodist continues to be one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse congregations in the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church.  Diversity of pastoral leaders, staff, and laity is at the core of the unique call of St. Andrew to “make disciples for the transformation of the world.”  Christ-centered blended worship, music, mission, service, interfaith, ecumenical, and community engagement with people of all races, ages, class, and support of women in pastoral ministry is the strength of St. Andrew United Methodist Church.   

Updated October 2015

History of the United Methodist Church


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